Monday, June 10, 2013

Sofia the First Dress!

Store bought princess dresses are always so glittery and seem to shred easily.  So when I saw that the Sofia the First Dress was all sold out from Disney, I was excited to try to make my own version without all the glitter but with just as much character.  Here is what I come up with. 

The fabric I used is a purple crepe found in the special occasion section of JoAnn.  I used a basic peasant shirt pattern that I embellished with purple cording and small white pompom trim.  I made the skirt portion of the dress separate and then attached it to the top.  I used 1/2 inch elastic in a casing on the inside of the waist to bring the middle of the dress in.  

To make the waist more comfortable for my little princess, I hand stitched the casing flat on the inside of the skirt. 

The skirt is made from 6 petal pieces.  Individually, I appliqued the white symbol to the bottom of each petal and added large ball trim to the hem.  Then I sewed the six petals together to form the skirt.  Once together, I topstitched the hem to secure the ball trim. 

I added the peplums made of a sheer sparkly purple material with small ball trim. I basted these to the bottom of the skirt before attaching it to the top. 

The underskirt is white broadcloth with purple ribbon sewed along the bottom.  This is not attached to the dress.  I hope you enjoyed looking at our Sofia the First Dress.  I've also made a Princess Amber dress that I'm hoping to post soon. 
Update:  It washes really well!  My daughter got grass and ketchup stains all over it and it came out of the washing machine good as new.  I used Clorox 2 on a gentle cycle and hung to dry.

I'm linking up with
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Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Create and Inspire Link Party at Handmade Cuddles
Better Off Thread



  1. Beautiful dress! The skirt details are amazing!

    1. Thanks Annie. I tried really hard not to skip any steps with the details. I thought about just ironing on the applique, there were so many pieces! But I'm glad I stuck it out.

  2. Wow that is just amazing - my daughter would LOVE IT!!

  3. That's so cute! Every princess needs one of those!

  4. Love this sweet princess dress! The pom poms make me smile! :)

  5. That is adorable! And I know my kids will love it.

  6. So cute! It would be a pleasure to have you join my weekly link party and share this.

  7. This is intense! I've been thinking of making a Sophia dress, thanks for the inspriation.

  8. My goodness, my girls would FLIP over this dress! I might need to make them one now! I'll be featuring this on my blog tomorrow!

    Thanks for linking up!

  9. Beautiful dress, my little girl would love this :)

    Thanks for sharing with us last week, featuring your post this week :)

  10. any tips on making the white design on the petals?!

    1. I googled Sophia the first coloring sheets and found a plain picture of sophia with a nice front view of the white design. I saved it to my computer and zoomed in on the bottom of the dress. I then printed just the white design pieces in a size about 6" wide. I fused wonder under onto the back of my white fabric before tracing the pattern pieces onto it. I cut each set of 8 pieces out seperatly and numbered them from 1-8 so I didn't get confused. Since I did this onto the petals before they were sewn together, it was easy to just peel the backing of the wonder under and lay out the pieces. I used the original coloring sheet as a template to make sure I was putting the pieces back together correctly. Once I ironed them into place, using a pressing cloth, I sewed around the outside of each piece with a zig zag stitch. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more info.

    2. What kind of fabric did you use for the appliques?

    3. It was a remnant from Joann of a white wedding satin. It was in my stash for a while so I'm not exactly sure what type, but I know it was very cheap (I remember being surprised it was called wedding satin at that price!). And it washed in the machine just fine!

  11. My daughter would love this dress! Do you just make dresses for your daughter? Or would I be able to ask how much you charge to make a dress like this?

  12. Would you mind explaining in more detail how you hemmed the bottom of the "petal" skirt?

  13. It came up very pretty and it suits her very well, how lucky your daughter is! I wish I could do the same for my baby.

    Dressmaking Fabrics
